Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Voices at Argus Leader Blog

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader papers has tried a number of things bloglike, but their current Voices Blog may be getting it right..a tad bit more like the RC Journal's Mt. Blogmore. Looks like the writers are regulars in the dead tree version of the paper. Patrick Lalley, Matt Okerlund, David Kranz, Sheri Levisay, Tiffany Leach, and Nestor least those names show up on posts today. It is a regular newspaper blog, so the issues here tend to following the local, state, and national issues the paper includes as news. I'm sure some of the writers have their own partisan or ideological preferences, but I also suspect the intent is to stay pretty much middle of the road or at least balance one issue with another of the opposite stripe. The Voices blog can be especially effective if a particularly hot ongoing issue is being discussed or a court case is being held,, another blog worth checking on regularly. Comments are allowed.
New Window LINK to Argus Leader's VOICES blog

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