South Dakota War College is Pat Power's attempt to help politically educate his Republican Party and educate or entertain the rest of us as well. SD War College is mostly sensible political issues now and then mixed with very partisan or ideological posts. Lots of comments and some of them make the blog posts themselves look positively bland. No doubt about it, this is a Republican tactics and issues blog, but done mostly in an agreeable way. Now and then PP gets a real plum of inside information that may catch the regular media and the rest of us by surprise. SDW is worth reading just to get something like the pulse of Republican politics in SD even when it is a corpse in need of a lot of resuscitation. So check is "South Dakota Politics, Elections,Advertising, and rambling nonsense from a smart-aleck Republican"...and that is straight from the elephant's mouth (you can buy tee-shirts there too).
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
SD War College Blog
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11:31 PM
Labels: Blog, blogging, blognews, conservative, issues, moderated, Republican, SD
Sibby Online
Steve Sibson of Mitchell, SD as Sibby Online has been online for a few years "searching for truth". But from my perspective at least mostly searching in the wrong places-- places like Fox News, Rush Limbaugh's garbage dumps, World News Daily, etc. Mostly it has been impossible to post comments on any of Sibson's posts, but I noticed today that he had opened comments to a number of posts and some posts were generating a significant number of comments..both pro and con. I hope Steve has the time and patience to continue moderating the comments.
BUT, Steve seems to be transfixed by his idea that "secular humanists" are all commie pinkos who hate Christians, etc. etc. Steve has the courage to add his name to the posts and his comments at other blogs which is not the case with a lot of blog commenters in South Dakota. See his blog mostly for a perspective generally from the very, very far right. Steve now and then has a post of comment that requires at least a minute or two of thought and consideration or serious rebuttal.
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Posted by
7:09 PM
Labels: Blog, blogging, conservative, media related politics, Republican, SD
SD Watch Blog
Todd Epp has a number of blogs. SD Watch may have begun as "ThuneWatch", but became more general including some of Epp's lawyerly posts. Epp has a background in professional media being with SD Public Broadcasting often reporting from the State Capitol and then added a law degree. He has also consulted with political campaigns. Posts at his blog are not predictable as to content or perspective even if generally from a generally cautious but very liberal and Democratic perspective. Epp's SD Watch is also one of the blogs aggregated at KELOLAND as indicated in a previous post. Comments are moderated. Plan on closing a few aggravating popup and popbehind ad windows however.
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Posted by
6:54 PM
Labels: 4-QRSTU, analysis, Blog, blogging, Democratic, family, Humor, investigation, issues, liberal, moderated, reviews
South Dakota Politics Blog
South Dakota Politics blog has a checkered past (see Old Version of SD Politics) and present. Specialization here has been attacks on Sen. Daschle. Some fueled by use of now discredited "Jeff Gannon" of "Talon News". It now includes posts by Dustin Adams, Ken Blanchard, Jon Schaff, and Jason Heppler. Read their "What They're Saying About SDP" endorsements, note the list of blogs in "The Dakota Alliance of Blogs" and there is no doubt about the Republican and rightwing orientation of the place. It is one of the blogs that has posts in the KELOLAND political blog aggregator. Usually well-written, but no doubt about the direct connections to the the Mighty Wurlitzer of the RNC and associated media, and most likely now as before with John Thune office and organization. But then you might want to take my comments on this blog with a grain of salt. Right now they happen to be attacking me.
No comments usually or ever allowed as far as I know.
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6:02 PM
Labels: 4-QRSTU, Blog, blogging, blognews, comments closed, conservative, issues, Republican, reviews
Northern Valley Beacon Blog
David Newquist has had a blog or two going for at least a couple of years. Newquist is not bashful about expressing his opinions which usually have a strong Democratic Populist taking no prisoners slant. The Aberdeen SD Blogger has a strong journalism background and routinely blasts some of the blather the rest of us present in our blogs in his crusade to either indicate why many or most political blogs aren't actually journalism or reasons for skewering the posts. Comments are allowed but moderated.
Take a look if you want a very literate and idiosyncratic view of Democratic policies and SD blogs.
New Window LINK to Northern Valley Beacon Blog
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5:06 PM
Labels: 3-LMNOP, Blog, blogging, Democratic, family, investigation, issues, liberal, moderated, SD
KELOland Political Blog Aggregator
The first post I put here in SD Blogland mentioned a coming revolution in South Dakota blogging. Well, now you and I know what it was and is. It really is a revolution of sorts because an established South Dakota media giant has recognized the reading value of political blogs that aren't necessarily written by Doug Lund or Steve Hemmingsen (I'll give them a plug in another post).
Blogs collected in this handy and visible one place at KELOLAND, now include Todd Epp of the SDWatch/ThuneWatch Blog, Ken Blanchard of the SD Politics Blog, Jon Schaff also apparently at SD Politics Blog, Bob Schwartz of SD Moderate Blog, David Newquist of Northern Valley Beacon Blog, Joel Rosenthal of SD StraightTalk Blog, and Pat Powers of SD War College Blog. An interesting mixture. More on all those blogs in later posts. But, if you want a quick read on a few of the SD Political blogs, check the KELO Political Blogs aggregator.
New Window LINK to KELOLAND Blog Aggregator
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: 2-FGHIJK, Blog, Blog portal, blogging, conservative, Democratic, liberal, media related politics, moderated, organization, Republican, reviews, SD
Mt. Blogmore Blog
Mt. Blogmore is a project of the Rapid City Journal. The faces of the "gods" of Mt. Blogmore are Bill Harlan, Kevin Woster, Scott Aust..three reporters and columnists and Mary Garrigan is now RC Journal Editorial page editor. The cast of "gods" generating the smoking posts has changed since Mt. Blogmore was started in September of 2004 and so has the cast of commenters...even though the some of the actors behind some of the characters have played multiple roles.
Mt. Blogmore is the "Gorilla" of South Dakota blogs. It has a very interesting mix of posts and comments and now and then the research resources of a newspaper. It makes a difference. Nothing else quite like it in South Dakota and for all I know it may be a "oner" in the whole country. Obviously aimed at adult readers, but now and then the censorship is a bit prissy and now and then the delay between comment writing and actual posting introduces odd discontinuities in the discussion. Perspective of primary posters leans toward the conservative side, but pays homage now and then to balance. Worth a regular check if you are interested in South Dakota politics and there are links on the page to the RC Journal and their other blogs. Moderated comments allowed.
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9:32 AM
Labels: 3-LMNOP, balanced, Blog, conservative, investigation, issues, moderated, newspaper, SD
Saturday, September 29, 2007
HogHouse Blog
Denise Ross wrote for the RC Journal and now and then salted and peppered Mt. Blogmore. She left the RC Journal and not too long after that started her HogHouse Blog. Those not familiar with SD legislative practice should check her blog for the story of a legislative process called the "HogHouse". Anyway, her blog is worth checking on nearly every day because she knows what to scratch and which sores to pick. She appears to spare no side of anything from her journalistic investigation. Her blog shows her connections and her trained skills. Her blog is a slightly different breed of cat. She discusses politics and current events, but without any obviously apparent biases other than perhaps against folly. Moderated comments. Of course, YMMV.
New Window LINK for Hog House Blog
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6:23 PM
Labels: 2-FGHIJK, analysis, balanced, Blog, blogging, investigation, issues, photography, SD
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Ideal News and Views Blog
The Ideal News and Views Blog was started by Lowdon date. His blog discusses South Dakota news and politics, but centers discussion on the Ideal, SD area and community with photos from the area and a ranching, farming, pioneer perspective. Now and then he presents novel ideas or topics and photographs. Has a WWII veteran perspective as well as a history of Democratic Party experience. Target Audience probably adult, but OK for children as well.
New Window LINK to Ideal News and Views Blog
Posted by
7:13 PM
Labels: 2-FGHIJK, analysis, Democratic, Humor, issues, liberal, moderated, photography, progressive, rural, SD
Dakota Today Blog
Dakota Today was started date by Douglas Wiken. Comments are allowed. Politics is primary focus, but other topics regularly covered are photography, agriculture, South Dakota, government, education, science, technology, computing, software, health, and news from the area around Winner, SD. This is a TypePad blog.
New Window LINK to Dakota Today Blog
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6:50 PM
Labels: 1-ABCDE, Blog, blogging, blognews, Democratic, moderated, news, photography, progressive, reviews, Satire, SD, test